
The DHEA‐S Test helps in evaluating your adrenal gland function. Your adrenal glands are two small pieces of tissue that sit atop each kidney. They produce and release certain regulatory hormones and chemical messengers, one of which is...

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Creatinine is the end-product of creatine metabolism.  The  presence  of  creatine  is  primarily  in  muscle.  The amount of creatinine is related to total skeletal muscle mass. Daily creatinine production is regular, except when there is a...

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Cortisol, also known as hydrocortisone, is a hormone released by the adrenal gland in response to stress.  When responding to a stressful situation cortisol prepares the body for a fight or flight response by increasing blood sugar, suppressing...

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A CBC is a great test to take to give you a “snapshot” of your health.  This test gives important information about the kind and the number of cells in your blood. Physicians use this information to evaluate symptoms, help diagnose conditions and...

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